These Are the People In Your Neighborhood

Written by Steve Diehl on September 28, 2017


During this year of exploring the legacy of the 18th century immigration of Mennonites to Pennsylvania, we are working to become of place of informed and civil discourse on current issues.  That has led us to new relationships with majority immigrant Mennonite churches and their members.  But it has also led us to ask who are the more recent immigrants living in right our midst, in the Indian Valley, and how are they faring?  The following stories are three of

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A New Chapter of the Pennsylvania Mennonite Story

Written by Steve Diehl on September 5, 2017

For three years, Beny Krisbianto faced the fierce opposition of close-knit, deeply entrenched neighbors, difficulties with four contractors, and the intransigence of City Hall.  One contractor told him to stop trying to build his church for recently arrived Indonesians in South Philly.  Now people ask him in amazement, “How is it that you have a relationship with the mayor?”  Mayor Kenney recently visited, and the city council held a meeting in the new church.  Neighbors who once opposed him invited

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Opportunity and Conscience: Mennonite Immigration the theme of Heritage Banquet

Written by Steve Diehl on May 4, 2017

The 2017 Heritage Banquet was held on Friday, April 28th at the Heritage Center

“Let us walk again the pilgrim path.”

With these words from the invocation of Steve Kriss, Executive Minister of the Franconia Conference, 80 guests headed down that path.  One storyteller was Friedrick Alldörfer, whose passage was across the Atlantic in 1733.  Friedrick was portrayed by Heritage Center historian Joel Alderfer, an actual descendant.  He hosted guests in the cross-section of his ship, the focal

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Opportunity and Conscience: A New Exhibit and an Evening on Immigration

Written by Steve Diehl on March 15, 2017

On Friday evening, April 28 at 6:30 p.m. we will hold our Heritage Banquet as a limited-seating dinner at the Heritage Center. Recent immigrants will share their stories, faith, and food, alongside of “Frederick Alderfer” an 18th century immigrant who will revive and present his story in our new exhibit.  Tickets are $117 and funds raised will benefit the work of the Heritage Center and the communities of our visiting friends.

To reserve up to two (2) tickets, please CLICK HERE.


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What’s in a field trip to the Heritage Center?

Written by Steve Diehl on February 22, 2017

We were glad to have the Souderton Charter School 7th graders visit us again today.  Such a polite and inquisitive group!  Here’s what our school field trips look like in the winter months:

After an introduction to the Center and finding out what students already know (this group had been well-prepared with recent study of Pennsylvania history and settlements), students are split into groups and rotate between three activity stations–Fraktur, Artifacts, and a Work and Hope scavenger hunt.

Paula Slemmer

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Taking On Immigration: Doing History in Reverse

Written by Steve Diehl on January 18, 2017

As a history teacher, I often felt somewhat uncomfortable with the person who told me, “Well, history is important…if we don’t know it, we are likely to repeat it.” It came across as a dismissal of the many more concrete reasons why historical study is beneficial. I was suspicious that this is what was said by those who really didn’t see any value in studying history–they just wanted to let me know they didn’t think I was wasting my life

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