“Traditions and Transitions: The Fraktur of Samuel Gottschall”

During Spring/Summer 2023 Emily Smucker-Beidler worked as the inaugural Arist-in-Residence at the Mennonite Heritage Center. As a fraktur artist, Emily explored the artform through creation and research. This is the capstone presentation on her study of the art of Samuel Gottschall. It is one of several events at the Mennonite Heritage Center pertaining to her residency the weekend of November 3 & 4, 2023. They include:

About Emily Smucker-Beidler

Ever since sixth grade, Emily Smucker-Beidler has been creating Fraktur. It’s an art she learned from Roma Ruth, a well-respected Fraktur artist from Montgomery County, PA. After receiving Bachelors’ and Masters’ degrees in Art Education, Emily has made her 31-year career in teaching art her passion, while continuing to create custom Fraktur for hundreds of clients. She brings her experience and enthusiasm for teaching to her Fraktur workshops and welcomes artists of all ages and ability levels.