Genealogy Resources
Cemetery Database
Surnames with material available
The Historical Library and Archives contain a rich collection of materials relating to three centuries of Mennonite and local history and culture in Montgomery, Bucks, Chester, Berks, Lehigh, Northampton and Philadelphia counties in eastern Pennsylvania.
Click here to search the Online Collections Database.
- Local Mennonite and other published family histories. **See list of surnames below**
- Genealogical File – photocopies of unpublished research work and source material filed by surname.
- Copies of Family Bible Registers (more than 375 from the 18th to 20th centuries), as well as many originals.
Inventory of family registers — in PDF or Excel - Cemetery Database of local cemeteries. Currently 86,000 burial records from 125 cemeteries. **See reports below**
- Transcripts of about 165 local cemeteries (Mennonite, Brethren, Lutheran, Reformed, Union, Baptist, Methodist, Episcopal, community and private).
- Obituary Database of Mennonite, Brethren and other obituaries from local newspapers. Over 7,000 records.
- Subscription to
- Transcribed and translated local church records (Mennonite, Brethren, Lutheran, and Reformed – 1730s to 1950s). Click here for a list of the early Mennonite church records.
- Transcribed and translated diaries, account books, letter collections and records of local Mennonite families and ministers (1740s-1940s)
- Census records for most of Bucks and Montgomery Counties (1790-1940 on microfilm and online subscription).
- Agricultural Census, Montgomery Co., 1850-1880.
- Local newspapers on microfilm (Souderton and Harleysville) 1880s-1970s. Click here for a list of locally-published newspapers.
- Newspaper abstracts (marriages, deaths, advertisements).
- Indexes to wills, abstracts of wills, early tax records, eighteenth century immigration records, land records, marriage records, and other genealogical reference material.
- Published Pennsylvania Archives Series and Colonial Records.
- Area township and county published histories.
- Genealogy and local history periodicals. Click here for a list.
Cemetery Database
The Cemetery Database at the Mennonite Heritage Center contains nearly 86,000 burial records from 125 local cemeteries (Mennonite, Brethren, Lutheran, Reformed, Union, Baptist, Methodist, Episcopal, community and private). The reports below (in PDF format) list the records alphabetically by surname.
The database on location at the Mennonite Heritage Center can be searched by a variety of criteria. It is compiled from cemetery transcriptions, which are available for reference at the MHC library. For more information, call 215-256-3020 or email
If you find these reports helpful, please consider a financial donation to the work of the Mennonite Heritage Center.
Click here to donate or become a member. Thank you!
List of cemeteries in the database
- Surnames beginning with A
- Surnames beginning with B
- Surnames beginning with C
- Surnames beginning with D
- Surnames beginning with E
- Surnames beginning with F
- Surnames beginning with G
- Surnames beginning with H
- Surnames beginning with I
- Surnames beginning with J
- Surnames beginning with K
- Surnames beginning with L
- Surnames beginning with M
- Surnames beginning with N
- Surnames beginning with O
- Surnames beginning with P
- Surnames beginning with Q
- Surnames beginning with R
- Surnames beginning with S
- Surnames beginning with T
- Surnames beginning with U
- Surnames beginning with V
- Surnames beginning with W
- Surnames beginning with Y
- Surnames beginning with Z
Salford Mennonite Graveyard documentation by Kevin McCoach
Surnames with material available
Genealogical material related to the following families can be found in the holdings of the Historical Library and Archives.
Albright-Albrecht Alderfer Allebach Anders Anderson Angeny Anglemoyer Appenzeller Arndt Atherholt Bachman Backenstoss Baer-Bare Barndt Barnes-Berns Bauer-Bower-Bowers Bauman-Bowman Beachy Bealer-Bieler Bean-Biehn Beary-Biery Bechtel Beidler Benner Bergey Bergstresser Bertolet Bingeman Bishop Bleam-Bliem Bohlig-Poley Boorse Booz Borneman Bossert-Buzzard Boyer Brower Brubacher-Brubaker Buckwalter Bull Burkholder Butterweck Cassel Clemens Clemmer-Clymer Cole-Kohl Conner Conrad Cooper Correll Cramer-Kramer Croll-Krall Crouthamel Culp-Kulp-Kolb Custer Davis Delp Derstine Detweiler Diehl Dinstman-Tinsman Dock Dotterer-Detterer Dreibelbis Drissel Drumbore-Trumbore Dueck Ebersole Ecker-Acker Ehrhard Ehst Eisenberg Erb Eschbach Fabian Felpel-Völpel Fluck Fly Frankenfield Frederick Freed-Friedt Fretz Frey-Fry Frick Funk Gabel Gehman-Gahman-Gayman Geiger Geil Geissinger Geitgey George-Yerk Gerberich Gerhart Godshalk-Godshall-Gottshall Good Goshow Gotwals Grater-Greder Graybill Griesemer Groff Gross Grubb Gsell Gulick Hackman-Hockman Hagey Haldeman-Halteman Hallman Hangey |
Harsh-Hirsch Hartz Hartzell Heacock Heckler Heffner Hendricks Henning Herber Herr Hershberger Herstein Hertzler-Hartzler Hess High-Hoch Hipple Hirschler Histand-Hiestand Hoagey Hochstetler Hoffman Holsinger Holtzhausen Horst Hottel Houser-Hauser Huber Hunsberger Hunsicker Jacobs Johnson-Jansen Jones Karsdorp Kauffman Keeler Keller Kempfer Keyser Kile Kindig King Kinsey Knipe-Kneip Koch Koffel Kohl-Cole Kolb-Kulp-Culp Kooker Koppes Krall-Croll Kramer-Cramer Kramm Kratz Krause Kreider Krey Krout Krupp Lambert Landis-Landes Lapp Latshaw Lauver Leatherman Lederach Leidy LeVan Levering Lichtenwalner-Lichtenwalter Lightcap Long Longacre-Longenecker Loux-Loucks Luckens Mack Markley Mann Martin Mason Mast Means Mensch Metz Metzger Meyer-Moyer-Meyers-Myers Michener Mininger Moll Munzinger Musselman Musser Nace-Nase Nash-Nesch Newbaker Newcomer Nyce-Nice Nold-Nolt Nunemacher-Nunemaker Oberholtzer-Overholt OpdenGraeff-Updegrove Oplinger Oyer Pawling Pennypacker-Pannebecker Poinsett Poley-Bohlig Potts Price-Preiss Proctor Raudenbush |
Reiff Reiner Reinford Renninger Rice Rickert Rile Rieser-Reesor Rinehart Rittenhouse Rohr Roosen Rosenberger Roth Rothrock Rudy Rush-Resch Ruth Sahler Sampey Savacool-Sabelcool Schantz-Shantz Schatz Schaum Schell Schiedel Schlabach Schleiffer-Slifer Schlosser Schnebelli-Snavely Schneider-Taylor Scholl-Shull Schrauger-Schrager Schuler Schwenk Sell-Sellen Sellers Shaddinger Shambach Shelly-Schelli Shetler Shisler Shoemaker-Schumacher Showalter Shuh Shutt-Schott Sidener Smith-Schmidt Solliday Souder Spare Stauffer-Stover Stearly Steckle Steiner-Stoner Stem-Stam Stettler-Stadler Stout Strassburger Strickler Strohm Strycker-Stricker Stutzman Supplee Swartley Swartz-Schwartz Taylor-Schneider Trauger Trumbore-Drumbore Troxel Turner Tyson Underkoffler-Undercoffler Unruh Updegrove-OpdenGraeff Urmy Van der Slice Van Fossen Van Sintern Völpel-Felpel Von der Sloot Wade Walter Wambold-Wampole Weand Weaver Weinberger Weller Wenger-Wanger Werstler-Werschler Wiens Wile-Weil Willauer Wireman-Weyerman Wiseman Wisler-Whisler Wismer Wistar Witmer-Whitmer Worman Yerk-George Yoder-Yothers Yost Young Zavitz-Zewitz Zetty Ziegler Zimmerman Zollers Zook-Zuck-Zug |