Our Immigrant Heritage: Moyer

Written by Forrest Moyer on July 19, 2017

This series of posts highlights families descended from 18th-century Mennonite immigrants to eastern Pennsylvania, in connection with the MHC’s exhibit Opportunity & Conscience: Mennonite Immigration to Pennsylvania, on display through March 31, 2018. The stories reflect the enrichment brought to communities over centuries by the descendants of immigrants.

The Moyer/Meyers/Myers family is one of the most widespread in the Mennonite community of eastern Pennsylvania. Virtually everyone with roots in the community is descended from a Moyer immigrant, and often more than one. It would be impossible to include all branches of the family in a single post. Below is some background information, and just a few stories.

Meyer – now Moyer, Meyers, Myers

Meyer was an occupational surname taken by medieval and early modern Germans who were managers or stewards of some kind. Probably in many cases they were farmers who owned and managed their own land or the farms of nobles. The military and municipal titles Major and Mayor have the same root. It’s interesting that many local descendants of the Meyer family have been good stewards, stable and reliable. There have been nearly 50 ordained leaders of this name in the Bucks-Mont Mennonite community, and a number in Canada and other places.

There were numerous immigrants named Meyer in colonial America. Several of these were Mennonites who found a home in eastern Pennsylvania. Christian, Hans, and Samuel Meyer (possibly brothers?) settled in Lower Salford circa 1718. In addition, four brothers – Peter, William, Jacob, and Henry – immigrated with their sister and widowed mother in 1741 and settled in Springfield, Bucks County and Upper Saucon, Northampton (now Lehigh) County. Peter and Jacob served as ministers for the Springfield and Saucon Mennonite congregations.

All of them were likely Swiss in background, where there had long been Anabaptist families named Meyer. The 1741 group are said to have come directly from Switzerland, where Peter may have already been a minister. The earlier settlers at Salford probably came from the Kraichgau region in Germany, where their ancestors had migrated during times of persecution in Switzerland.

One may wonder how the modern spellings of this name developed. In eastern Pennsylvania, the spelling Meyer did not survive the transition from German to English language. The most common English form of the name is Moyer, which preserves the historic pronunciation in Pennsylvania German – something like “Moia”. The less common form Meyers and its simplified variant Myers, used in Bucks County, preserve the original spelling, but not the pronunciation (perhaps because of English influence?), and add a possessive “s” which was common in casual speech (calling someone John Meyers meant “John, son of Meyer”). Other Pennsylvania German names that went through a similar spelling transition are Beyer/Boyer/Byers and Reyer/Royer.

Early Moyer’s of Salford and Franconia

If you live in the Harleysville area, chances are you’ve visited the farm of your Moyer ancestor more than once. The homestead of immigrant Christian Moyer (d. 1751 – in his will, the English scrivener spelled the name Moyer) is now the site of the Walmart and Giant shopping center at the intersection of Rts. 113 and 63.

Mennonite Heritage Center, Harleysville

Christian Moyer homestead, Lower Salford, circa 1895, owned at the time by Joseph R. Drissel. Mennonite Heritage Center Collection; gift of Thelma Johnson Zoll (1995.41.2)

Mennonite Heritage Center, Harleysville

Moyer homestead, 1976, while owned by Francis & Kathryn Kulp. Son John is discing a field. Mennonite Heritage Center; gift of John L. Ruth.

Hans Moyer’s land was just across 113. [NOTE: This Hans may have been a cousin of Christian. The Hans Moyer whose land was on the other side of Christian’s land, along Moyer Road, is the one who has traditionally been regarded as Christian’s brother and who, like Christian, had many Mennonite descendants.] Both Hans and Christian Moyer’s tracts extended to what became the Franconia Township line. Adjoining on the Franconia side were farms of Samuel Moyer and Henry Funk (Christian Moyer’s son-in-law), both purchased before 1720. Stretching north along the highway toward the location of the Franconia Mennonite Meetinghouse and Cemetery was the farm of Christian Moyer Jr., purchased in 1729. Today, Moyer’s land on the east side of the Pennsylvania Turnpike is preserved, and offers a pleasing vista as you drive along 113 past the Franconia Meetinghouse.

Christian Moyer Jr. (1705-1787) was deacon in the Franconia Mennonite congregation, and his brother-in-law Henry Funk was bishop until his death in 1760. Henry’s son Christian succeeded his father as bishop, and a personality conflict between Funk and Moyer (ironically both named Christian) was central to the “Funkite” schism that divided the local Mennonite community and the Moyer family during the War for Independence and for several generations after. More on this story in an upcoming post on the Funk’s.

The meetinghouse and cemetery called “Delp’s”, on Indian Creek Road (the line between Henry Funk and Samuel Moyer’s land), are a striking reminder of the Funkite schism. The cemetery, used by Franconia Mennonites in early years, was used by Funkites into the 19th century. The meetinghouse was moved to the cemetery from its original location at the intersection of Yoder Road and Rt. 113, where it had been built circa 1815 for Funkite worship on the farm of Jacob Moyer, grandson of deacon Christian Moyer. Others of Christian’s grandchildren also joined the fellowship that he excommunicated during the war. Some never returned to the Mennonite Church, moving into the Church of the Brethren or Brethren in Christ when the Funkite church died out in the early 19th century.

The oldest surviving gravestone in Delp’s Cemetery (no longer readable) is for “H. M. 1737”. This was Hans Moyer, the immigrant, of Lower Salford, who made his will that year. He was likely Mennonite, though his children moved to the Reformed Church. Most were still minors at the time of his death.

Image source: findagrave.com

Mennonite Heritage Center, Harleysville

Photo, 1957, from the first of a series of annual “Memorial Meetings” held at Delp’s by local Mennonites and Brethren. Isaac Clarence Kulp Collection, Mennonite Heritage Center.

Samuel Moyer, fraktur artist and pioneer

While some of deacon Christian Moyer’s descendants became Funkite, most remained Mennonite, including two sons who served as ministers in the Hilltown (Blooming Glen) Mennonite congregation – Jacob (1730-1778) and Samuel (1734-?). It is said that Samuel, who unlike his brother lived to old age, was “a widely known and dearly loved preacher of the Mennonite Church in Pennsylvania…. His long white hair and flowing beard gave him an especially patriarchal appearance.” (Fretz, A Genealogical Record of the Descendants of Christian and Hans Meyer and other Pioneers, p. 159)

The children of these preacher brothers attended a German-language school with Lutheran teacher John Adam Eyer, probably in the early Mennonite meetinghouse built of logs in 1753. There they received instruction in penmanship and singing, as well as other subjects. Some years later, preacher Samuel’s son, Christian, received a magnificent marriage certificate from his former teacher, when he married Mary Landes in 1784. Click here to see it in the fraktur collection of the Free Library of Philadelphia.

The same year, Christian’s cousin Samuel, son of preacher Jacob, created this Vorschrift (writing sample) while working as an 18-year-old schoolteacher in Tinicum Township, further east toward the Delaware River. It has some interesting stylistic similarities to the John Adam Eyer piece linked above, and unlike many fraktur, it is prominently signed by the maker, just as Eyer’s certificate was.

Mennonite Heritage Center Collection (2009.25.1)

Samuel Moyer (1767-1844), teacher and fraktur artist, went with a group of Mennonites from Bucks County to pioneer in “Canada West / Upper Canada” (Ontario) in 1800. There he built a life alongside numerous relatives, including cousins Jacob and Dillman Moyer, who were early preachers in the First Mennonite Church of Vineland (until 1955 known as Moyer Mennonite Church). Samuel was a colorful person, and his story, as told in Fretz’s genealogy (pp. 100-102), is quite interesting:

Samuel Meyer, born in Montg. Co., Pa., Mar. 4, 1767. His parents [preacher Jacob of Blooming Glen and wife Barbara Derstine] died of yellow fever before he was 10 years old. Where or how he spent the years immediately following is not known, but we must believe they were well spent, from the fact that at the age of 16 he was teacher in a common school. In early life he developed an aptitude for music and was appointed “vorsinger” [song leader] in meeting, and also taught singing schools. On November 5, 1789, he married 19-year-old Anna Bechtel, who bore him five sons and three daughters. Their home was at Blooming Glen.

He was a leading promoter of, and actor in, the pilgrimage to Canada West in the year 1800, some account of which is given elsewhere in this volume. Two four-horse teams carried his family four hundred miles to the settlement at the “Twenty” in Lincoln county, Ontario, where he at once purchased from William Wiers, a U.E. Loyalist, 200 acres of good land, paying $400 cash for the same. There was a rude log cabin in the clearing and four acres of wheat ready for the sickle, besides potatoes and other vegetables growing for the year’s need. Near the cabin stood a large oak stump burned out at the top in the shape of a mortar in which the Weirs family cracked their wheat and pounded their hominy. Later this was filled with earth and used as a hot bed to start early plants in for the garden.

In those grand forests game was plentiful and the long-barreled flintlock rifle enabled settlers to supply an abundance of venison for the table. His boys never forgot one shot in the dark when a deer was dimly seen in the clearing, the correct aim of their father bringing down a large buck pierced through the heart. Not so accurate was his aim when one day he selected the leader of a dozen wild geese overhead and brought down No. 12 instead of No. 1. Salmon were then plentiful in the lakes and came up the Twenty-mile creek to Ball’s Falls, where the settlers speared them with pitchforks. Wolves, bears, wild cats, etc., were numerous. On one occasion while going to mill at the Short Hills, twelve miles from home, with the little grist in a sack on horseback, Meyer leading the horse, a she bear and two cubs were met in the road. The surprise was mutual, and being unarmed, Meyer very quickly exchanged places with the sack. Bruin and her cubs scampered off in one direction while horse and rider went the opposite way.

During the Summer of 1820 he made a visit on horseback to the old home at Blooming Glen, Pa., accompanied by Joseph Michener and Henry Housser on foot…. By the recent death of his father-in-law, Jacob Bechtel, he received a snug sum of money for his wife, and was also asked to carry other money to one Eiman in Canada, total $1400 in gold and silver coin. Joseph Michener made a strong double-bottomed tool chest. The coin was concealed between the bottoms, and the chest was then filled up with new tools and locked. They started, Meyer with the loaded wagon, the other two men on foot. For fourteen nights Michener slept in that wagon, generally with one eye open, and at some rowdy taverns he kept both eyes open. The longest stretch of road without a settler was eleven miles….

His next trip to Pennsylvania, a few years later, Samuel made on foot, getting some chance rides, and completed the journey in nine days. He was a rapid walker and more than once covered 6 miles in an hour.

In 1832, at his own expense, he hired Joseph Michener to build a three-pier bridge across the Twenty, which stood for many years.

Samuel Meyer was a man of more than ordinary talent. He never attended an English school, yet acquired a very fair English education. His writing in English was excellent, in German elegant. He taught for many years the first school in the settlement, in a log building where now stands the Mennonite meetinghouse, ” below the mountain.”

He was a man of fine physique, rather tall, powerful in muscle, rapid on foot, an extraordinary swimmer, and, though non-resistant in principal, abundantly able to take care of himself. Excepting with ague, he was never sick a day in his life.

He was well informed in regard to legal papers, many old deeds and other documents still in existence being in his own handwriting. He led the singing in his own church for forty years, composing numerous hymns and tunes which were as neatly penned as manuscripts by monks before the art of printing was invented. While speaking usually the Pennsylvania dialect he was master also of the best High German. His enterprising, good judgment, frugality, kindness and hospitality, and above all, his truly Christian life, have left their impression for good and for good only.

He was twice married. His first wife, Anna Bechtel, was a small woman, but plump and comely. She wore short skirts and a jacket. Her best hat was a white beaver, and the crown about an inch high [like this one in the collection of the Schwenkfelder Library & Heritage Center; flat hats were commonly worn by women of the 18th century]. She died February 12, 1832, having been an invalid for many years. On October 11, 1836, he married Katharine Bechtel, widow first of Daniel High, Sr. , and second of Rev. Jacob Meyer. She outlived her third husband. Samuel Meyer died Aug. 22, 1844, and Katharine February 6, 1851.

First Mennonite Church of Vineland, Ontario, with its wagon wheel monument commemorating the bicentennial of Mennonite settlement in Canada. Image from the church website.

Moyer’s of Souderton

Back in eastern Pennsylvania, members of the Moyer family operated successful businesses in the late 19th and 20th centuries in and around Souderton, where the railroad stretched north from Philadelphia on its way to the Lehigh Valley.

John Ruth, in his History of the Indian Valley (p. 47), describes the opening of the railroad in June 1857: “…Crowds all along the line gathered to watch the progress of the first locomotive to make the passenger run. It carried the prophetic title, ‘Civilizer’. To Franconia’s farmers and their children, running in astonishment from their hayfields to view the smoking monster, it must have seemed like a visitation from the Spirit of Progress personified.”

Progress indeed came to the new town of “Souder’s Station” – later Souderton – that grew up around the tracks. Herman Godshall, son of the Franconia Mennonite bishop, moved into town and set up a successful hay and feed dealership. He sold the business in 1869 to 23-year-old Christian H. Moyer, who with brothers Jonas and Enos grew the business into a pillar of the town’s economy. First Moyer & Brothers, later Moyer & Son, and today Moyer Indoor-Outdoor, the company has moved from its past focus on feed milling during the agrarian era to home maintenance services and landscaping, with a fleet of trucks jetting out to local homes daily.

The former Moyer and Son feed mill on Main Street, Souderton, now converted to apartments. Image from Google.

Mennonite Heritage Center, Harleysville

View of Souderton circa 1865, with the railroad tracks on the left and the newly built Godshall (later Moyer) mill straight ahead. Mennonite Heritage Center Collection.

The feed mill family attended Souderton Mennonite Church, which was built in 1879 to serve local Mennonites who had moved to town. In 1914, Enos Moyer’s son Jacob was ordained by lot to serve as a minister at Souderton. He was just twenty-three, finished business college, and looking forward to a career in the family business; now he would have the responsibility to preach in addition to his everyday occupation, and to model a conservative and separate life for the members of his congregation. Not a simple order for the owner of a successful business in a burgeoning 20th century town. But Jacob faced up to the challenge, and provided stable leadership for Souderton “Old” Mennonites through the first half of the century, serving as bishop and secretary of Franconia Mennonite Conference, while also running the Moyer & Son business.

Mennonite Heritage Center, Harleysville

Vacation Bible School in the Souderton Mennonite Meetinghouse, circa 1943. This was during Jacob Moyer’s leadership of the congregation, though he is not in the photo. He was likely busy at the mill, and perhaps would not have posed for a photo anyway. Several of the ceiling lamps shown here were later installed in the Mennonite Heritage Center meeting room. Russell B. Musselman Papers, Mennonite Heritage Center.

Jacob’s fellow minister at Souderton, also named Moyer – Elmer B. – was not closely related. Also not related are two Moyer’s – Merrill and K. Leon – who have served as executives of Union National Bank (Univest) in recent years. And so Souderton is much associated with the Moyer name, though from various branches of the family, all Mennonite.

Outside of town in Franconia Township, Abraham F. Moyer and family developed a large beef packing and rendering business, Moyer Packing Company (MOPAC), which – though it has now been sold to an international corporation – was for many years one of the most successful Mennonite-owned businesses in eastern Pennsylvania.

Sources on the Moyer family

Fretz, A. J. A Genealogical Record of the Descendants of Christian and Hans Meyer and other Pioneers. Harleysville, PA: News Printing House, 1896. Online at https://archive.org/details/genealogicalreco00fret3

Funk, Christel [Christian].  Mirror for All Mankind. 1809. Translated by Daniel J. Reinford. Funk’s personal account of the Funkite division and his conflict with Christian Moyer and other leaders. Available in the MHC library; another translation, by J. C. Wenger, was published in Mennonite Quarterly Review (Jan 1985).

Moyer, Richard A. My old neighborhood : memories, stories and history from my childhood home along the Branch Creek. Self-published. 2013. Moyer family of Upper Salford; available in the MHC library.

Register, Pamela Learned. Warmth and Sustenance: A 125-Year History of Moyer and Son, Inc. Souderton, PA: Moyer and Son, Inc. 1994.

Ruth, John L. The History of the Indian Valley & its Bank. Souderton, PA: Union National Bank and Trust Company. 1976.

van der Zijpp, N. “Meyer.” Global Anabaptist Mennonite Encyclopedia Online. 1957. Web. 17 Jul 2017. http://gameo.org/index.php?title=Meyer

Wenger, John C. “Moyer (Moyers, Mayer, Meyer, Meyers, Myers) family.” Global Anabaptist Mennonite Encyclopedia Online. 1957. Web. 17 Jul 2017. http://gameo.org/index.php?title=Moyer_(Moyers,_Mayer,_Meyer,_Meyers,_Myers)_family

Also, there are many oral interviews of Moyer family members archived at the MHC. You can view them in our catalog here.

Posted Under: Blog

48 replies to “Our Immigrant Heritage: Moyer

  1. Vera d -

    Yeah for Mennonite Heritage Center. Ask me about my close contact there, or check their website for the same surname!


  2. Larry Moyer -

    I have traced my Moyer line back to Abraham Hans Moyer who lived around Palm Pa and died in 1798. I have a copy of his will but no other info on him. Was he a Mennonite ? Thank you.


    1. Post Author Forrest Moyer -

      Hi Larry. I believe Abraham’s father Jacob was a brother of Christian Moyer who settled in Lower Salford, and yes, he was probably Mennonite, at least raised Mennonite.



      I have traced my roots to Samuel Moyer and Samuel Moyer Sr. 5th & 6th great grandparents. I am trying to find out more about Sephorina Sechler Moyer who was married to Samuel Moyer Sr. I know she immigrated from Austria to the US.


  3. Darlene Moyer, Eugene, Or. -

    My father-in-law was Forrest Merle Moyer. I dont know where his father, Al Moyer, was born or lived, Forrest lived in Alexandria Pa when my husband, Eugene Alfred Moyer was born.Not much else is known of his heritage.Forrests’ father also lived in East Waterford Pa. where he was married to Lena Jacobs, They had a son, Forrest, who was a baby when Al left there to work for the railroad in 1907. He was in Pueblo and Jalopla Mexico where he died in Feb 1908. I know he had a brother in ElPaso, dont have a name but he also worked for the railroad I believe.I have a copy of the benefit Lena recieved from the Order Of Railway Conductors dated June 1st, 1908.The story gets sadder as Forrest was growing up and my children and grandchildren and neice would be interested to know more of the history of this family. Even so, this may help in your research of the Moyers’.


    1. Post Author Forrest Moyer -

      Interesting. Thanks for sharing, Darlene. There have been a surprising number of men named Forrest Moyer; at least three of us are living today. I guess it’s because the surname is so common. Imagine how many John Moyer’s there have been!!


    2. Larry Moyer -

      Sorry Darlene, My family tree has no attachments to your ancestry. Wish you luck in locating them. Larry Moyer


      1. Jeff Carrolll -

        Darlene – you raise an interesting genealogy problem for me. The Al you speak that died in Jalapa Mexico is Albertson C. Moyer. His brother in El Paso is Samuel L. Moyer, who is my wife’s ancestor. They are children of George E and Margaret J (Meloy) Moyer of East Waterford, PA. Evidence of this is an El Paso newspaper article of his death as well as an 1860 Census record. The dilemma is the Albertson C. Moyer was supposedly married to Alice Jane Curtice at this point with 2 children but some evidence would also suggest he is married to Lena Jacobs when he goes to Mexico. Nothing in Alice’s writings (which were large, she even has her own Wiki entry) mentions divorce and she does play up the widow card a few times – however there is no doubt he is the same that died in Mexico in Feb 1908 because of the newspaper article. I have more information on the family and am happy to share and would like to know more about Lena’s connection and evidence.


        1. April -

          Hi! This is Darlene’s daughter / Forrest Merle Moyer’s granddaughter. Eugene is my father. I don’t think Darlene ever got this response from you but I am very interested in what you have. My email is switchcraft@msn.com please subject Moyer geneolgy. Thanks!


  4. Nancy Richey -

    Please look at the Moyer family photographs given to the Kentucky Library in Bowling Green, KY; they show many of the homeplaces of this family. See kencat.wku.edu or email spcol@wku.edu


  5. Pamela Hart Branton -

    I am a descendant of Peter Meyer (b. 1723,) and would like advise as to the best way to obtain genealogy of the family. I do not know where in Switzerland he came, or who his father was. I would appreciate any information. Thank you.


  6. Debby -

    My great grest grest grandfather, Jacob Moyer, son Phillip, Jacib, Edgar, Meryl….He, Meryl always referred to ancestors as pa dirty Dutch. Jacob and Phillip lived in Fayette county.


    1. Rick Iglar -

      I am researching the same line would be interested in sharing information. Do you have any information about (1) the origin of Jacob Moyer, born about 1784 who came to Fayette County about 1809 from Germany; (2) and Was there a divorce between Philip Moyer and Prudence McConnaughey and a remarriage to Catherine Stuck Frazee?


  7. Darlene Moyer -

    Thank you all for your reply’s. I am forwarding your info to the descendants of the Moyer’s since I am related by marriage to Moyer and those descendants are my children, grandchildren and great- grandchildren. This is a remarkable source of information. Darlene


  8. Darlene Moyer -

    To Jeff Carroll, Is there a way to communicate directly.? My grown children are so anxious to share info and also to clear up this mystery. Maybe they are related to your wife also. We have copies of a series of letters written to Lena while Al was in Jalopa and going thru his illness, and the last ones from his landlady re: his passing. It does get stickier! Darlene


    1. Post Author Forrest Moyer -

      Moyer Indoor-Outdoor may have copies available for purchase at their historic office, 124 S. 4th St., Telford, PA.


  9. Phyllis Miller -

    I’m looking for the family of John Adam Moyer/Meyer who immigrated from Germany with his wife, Anna Barbara. It is thought that they settled in Northampton County, PA. He for some reason had gone back to Europe and died on his return trip in 1768 on the ship Minerva. They were then residents of Upper Milford, Northampton, but now Lehigh County, PA. He had children Peter, Adam, Barbara, Christian, Elizabeth, Conrad and Catherine. ( Johan George Eisenmann was also on the ship Minerva.) John Adam’s wife Barbara later married Peter Eisenmann, a German resident of Northampton. The family in the 1770’s then moved to Westmoreland County, PA.. The daughter of John Adam Moyer, Barbara, married William Vandike, probably in Westmoreland County, PA. I do have much information on the Eisenmann family but need information on the Moyer/Meyer and Vandike/Van Dyke families. Phyllis Iseman Miller


  10. Karen Carty -

    My brick wall is Jacob Moyer was born about 1739. Here is my first notation:
    “A History of the Valley of Virginia” by Samuel Kercheval, W.N. Grabill Power Press, Woodstock, Va Third Edition 1902. pg 76-77
    . . . . . In the year 1758, a party of about fifty Indians and four Frenchman penetrated into the neighborhood of Mill Creek, now in the County of Shenandoah, about nine miles south of Woodstock. This was a pretty thickly settled neighborhood; and among other houses, George Painter had erected a large log one . . . . . Late in the afternoon they were attacked . . . . . Two of painter’s sons, and a young man by the name of Jacob Myers escaped being captured by concealment. One of the Painters, with Myers, ran over that night to Powell’s Fort, a distance at least of fifteen miles, and to Kellar’s Fort, in quest of aid. They had neither hat nor shoes, nor any other clothing than a shirt and trowsers each. A small party of men set out early the next morning

    It’s possible he is the son of a Henry MOYER who came to Virginia from Pennsylvania in the early 1750’s. The family records show he was born in 1739 so was 19 when this incident happened.

    I’m contacting you hoping this family may be in your records. This was primarily a German community and many of the neighbors moved into Virginia from Pennsylvania. His descendants are Lutheran for the last few generations.


  11. Cheryl C. -

    I have traced our family tree back to Susanna Moyer (1751-1840) married Philip Lebs Faust and they lived in Berks Co. Pa. and not able to trace back any further her parents/siblings,,,etc.
    If you can help in anyway.


  12. GJ -

    My 2nd great-grandfather is Daniel David Moyer b 22 Apr 1822 Fayette, PA d 12 May 1897 Wisconsin
    Married Nancy Ann Smith in 1841 Elkhart County, IN
    Married Mary Ann Plumridge 1849 Etna Green, Kosciusko Co, IN
    Kosciusko County, Indiana1850 Census listed Daniel Moyer age 28 with Mary age 30 Neighbor in same township was George Moyer Age 61. Daniel and George born in Pennsylvania.
    Some speculation that Daniel Moyer raised with Mennonite parents.
    Appreciate your guidance on how additional info on Daniel via church records.
    Thank you.


    1. Sharon Elaine (Parizo) Frey -

      GJ, These Moyers are my family. Myrtle Ellen Moyer is my grandmother. She is mother to my Father Earl Alexander Parizo.


  13. Karl E Moyer -

    Would you be so kind as to draw a straight genealogical line from the first Meyer to Jamie Moyer, now retired from a career as a professional baseball pitcher? He became one of my heroes, though I am of a totally different line of Meyer/Moyer folks.


  14. Robert L Rush -

    Hi,my grandfather was William Siesholtz (spelling?) Moyer, we spent a lot of time in Boyertown Pa, where he and my grandmother (Ruth (nee Quaintance)-Moyer, lived upstairs, and operated Moyer Motors, at Front and Washington Streets. Earlier they lived around Reading. Any information? I knew them 50s-60s. my mom, Betty Moyer born 1929. My nan Ruth born 1912 I think.


  15. sharon presken -

    I have been trying to find info on my g g grandmother for years. Her name was Rebecca Moyer Heister, married to Daniel Heister of Berks Co. Daniel was born 1801 and I would assume Rebecca was born about then. They lived in Berks Co. early on. There was a son born, Reuben, possibly from another mother who may have died in childbirth. Rebecca’s name appeared as mother on the baptism record. Rebecca then had sons Daniel and Isaac and then they moved to Allegheny Co. PA. She then had Rebecca, James, Susanna and Samuel. Last birth was 1842 and then disappeared from census reports. I haven’t been able to find anything about her family. If anyone can help, it would sure be appreciated!


  16. TM -

    Hello I descend from Rudolph Meyer Moyer 1682-1767 and Barbara and also Hans Meyer Moyer 1669-1729 I would having more information on my Moyer Meyer line


  17. Jennifer Moyer -

    Hello – our family is a descendant of Reverend Samuel Moyer (in article above). Would love to do a family tree – is there anyone who has done one on the Christian Meyer Family? It would obviously be massive – just looking for one before I attempt to do one on my own!


  18. T Melton -

    Hello I descend from 2 Moyer Meyer Myer lines. One is I believe Rudolph 1680-1767, John, Henry, Jonathan, and Elijah The second line is I believe Nicholas 1750-1823 , Michael, Jacob to Sarah. Sarah & Elijah were married and they their lines I believe came from Pa to Ohio to Indiana.. any help in researching both confusing lines would be greatly appreciated


    1. Lora Scott -

      Into what Ohio and Indiana Counties did your Myers ancestors migrate and in what years? I have extensively researched Pickaway County, Ohio and the Indiana counties of Wayne, Hamilton, Putnam, and Parke. Let me know if I can be of assistance.

      I am researching the families of Christian Myers (c1750-bef1830) and Mary Myers. They were in Fairfield County, Ohio in 1806 on Zane’s Trace and then moved over the county line to Tarlton, SaltCreek Township, Pickaway County, Ohio. Most of their family had moved to Wayne and Hamilton Counties in Indiana, Mercer County in Illinois, and Iowa by the 1830s-1840s. Any connections to this Christian Myers or his descendants would be appreciated.


  19. Cathy -

    I have a relative Abraham S. Moyer. I believe the S is for Schauntz or Shantz. From what I have read, I believe Abraham is a descendent of William Meyer, brother of Peter, Jacob and Henry who immigrated here in 1741. Does anyone have any information on Abraham’s ancestors.


    1. Joel Alderfer -

      Have you looked at Rev. A. J. Fretz’s “Moyer-Meyer Family History” (1896)? See if you can find this Abraham S. Moyer in that book.


  20. Laurence Moyer -

    I have a Abraham Hans Moyer in my tree which was verified in Rev.A J Fretz’s book. He died in 1789 in Upper Milford twp.


  21. Roberta Moyer -

    I am hoping someone can help me with my branch of the Moyer’s. I know most of my family was in or near Altoona PA.
    I am a Moyer. And the furthest I have been able to date back is my great grandfather Charles Henry Moyer born 1889 in Altoona and died 1968 in Altoona. I am hoping someone can help with my search.
    If so please email me directly Rmoyer811@gmail.com please put in subject Moyer genealogy! Thank you in advance!!!


  22. Candice Roy -

    My 5th g-grfather was Nicholas Moyer Sr
    1728 – 30 November 1803

    Does anyone know who his father might have been?


  23. Matthew Möyer -

    I trace back to Hans of Hans, Jacob and Christian Meyer. My grandfather, A Merrill Moyer of Skippack, did most of the leg work and meticulously curated a lot of the information. I always enjoy finding information that fills in gaps! I do have a copy of the two Volume Rev AJ Fretz book as well.


  24. Robert L Rush -

    Hi. my grandfather was William Moyer. Reading/ then Boyertown. I don’t have any geneaology; brother was a farmer, Harvey. Anybody know anything about our branch of Moyers? Thanks


  25. Marva Lister -

    I am looking for a William Moyer/Myers Jr. that was born in Northampton, Pennsylvania or was born in Germany and came to Northampton. Don’t know who his wife was but they had 3 children, John, Magdalena and George born between 1760 & 1766. William and son John were possibly in the Sugarloaf Massacre as Capt. William Moyer Jr. and Lueit. John Moyer in 1780 at Little Nescopeck Creek in Luzerne County, Pennsylvania. William and his family, along with his Father moved to Greenville, TN about 1790. Also in the group were families of Girdner and Cook. In Greenville he and family joined the St James Lutheran Church in Cove Creek, Greene County, TN. He married a Nancy Carter and they had 3 children, Gabriel, Rachel and Adam. Rachel is my 4th g grandmother. I have hit a brick wall as to which group of Moyer’s William is connected with. I would welcome any and all suggestions. Thanks!!


  26. Tom Buckmaster -

    Hi. My mom’s family is Moyer. Her line comes from Shanendoah? Valley. Anyone from Pa go that way?


  27. Dianna Rickard -

    Looking for any info on a Johannes Moyers who migrated to Tennessee in the 1700s. He married a Catherine Couch (probably Kautz in Germany) Descendants in Union County, Tn use the spelling Myers. Thanks


  28. Sharon Weigel -

    I have traced my linage to Samuel Moyer 1803-1893 -Julia Ann Moyer’s father and Samuel Zeigler Moyer Sr. 1772-1857, i he is my 5th great grandfather. I am currently trying to find his wife Sephorina Sechler who was an immigrant from Austria. I am trying to expand my grandfather’s side of the family tree.


  29. Karen Myers Rogers -

    I descend from the Nathan Meyer/Myers family that moved to Allen County, Indiana from Seneca County, Ohio – originally from Lehigh County, Pennsylvania. They were members of the Reformed Lutheran Church. Nathan’s father was Johannes/John Moyer/Meyer; his mother was Anna Maria Wuchter. Looking for information confirming Johannes’ children and parents.


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