The beauty of this basket lies in its unique shape and size. It measures 8” x 3” x 21” tall! It is meant to make a statement whether inside or outside of your home. It’s the perfect way to invite people into your home hanging on your front door or the perfect way to showcase an area inside. You can fill it with greens for the holidays or fresh flowers in the Spring!
This basket will be woven of reed. The handle is made of pre-bent oak. As a student, you will learn to lay out the base over a mold and weave the sides using plain weave. You need to pay particular attention to the shape as you weave up this very tall basket. You will then learn to attach the rims and handles and lash the basket.
All tools and materials will be supplied by the instructor: Karen Wychock (Karen Wychock Basket Weaving). Since we work with wet material, students may want to wear an apron or bring along a towel.
The workshop fee, which includes materials, is $95 for members ($105 for nonmembers). Preregistration is required because class space is limited. Please bring a packed lunch.