How We Ate Cooking Adventure

The First Saturday of the Month

March-September 2025

10:00-11:30 a.m.

How We Ate is a seminal book, unique in scope. What better way to bring it to life than by trying some of the recipes?” says Alice Wolfgang. You are invited to experiment with historic recipes while enjoying fun and fellowship during the Mennonite Heritage Center’s How We Ate Cooking Adventure. Wolfgang is coordinating this seven-session program celebrating the recent publication of How We Ate by local historian Alan Keyser. In the book, he examines all foods deliciously Dutch, offering both historical and culinary perspectives. “It’s a practical response to this incredible book,” she notes.

This group will meet at the Mennonite Heritage Center on first Saturdays from 10 to 11:30 a.m. beginning March 1, 2025. The first meeting will appropriately focus on fastnachs.

Throughout the adventure, a common monthly theme and reading will be selected. Each participant will read that portion from the book and choose a historic recipe to make. Prior to each meeting, participants will prepare their food and bring it to the meeting to share. The gatherings will be a time to make new friends and learn something new.

You do not need to be a professional historian or cook to participate. This cooking adventure is open to anybody willing to give it a try. Wolfgang says, “Given the lack of specifics in old recipes, this will be a place to experiment, discuss, and learn from each other.”

It will be necessary to have access to a copy of the book. A reference copy will be available at the Mennonite Heritage Center.

The registration fee is $20 per participant. Registration is required and space is limited. To register call 215-256-3020 ext. 112.


      • March 1 (Fastnachts)
      • April 5 (Satisfying Soups)
      • May 3 (Sturdy Vegetable Pies)
      • June 7 (The Sublime Potato)
      • July 5 (Anything Dairy)
      • August 2 (“Puddings”/Pies)
      • September 6 (Anything Apple)