Due to closure of Montgomery County community centers, we are working to reschedule this workshop. To confirm date and register, please call 215-256-3020.
Learn to fancy paint in the age old styles of combing and graining with water based glazes. Led by artisan Jim King, participants will complete 5 frames after working on practice boards. The practice boards will help guide design choices.
Workshop instructor Jim King began vinegar painting in the 1980s when he became inspired by grain painting antiques he was collecting. He purchased blanket chests in disrepair at auctions and flea markets and then restored them and applied vinegar painted surfaces. He had difficulty finding smaller chests and started having Old Order cabinetmakers copy his antiques which he then grain painted using a variety of traditional techniques.
Preregistration is required as participation is limited. A workshop fee of $65 ($60 for members) plus a materials fee of $75 for the frames for the limited enrollment workshop. Tools will be provided for use and can easily be purchased at crafts stores later. No refunds are given unless a workshop is canceled for insufficient enrollment.