Drive-thru dinner pickup, Friday, May 29, 5-6 pm
Delivery to Souderton Mennonite Homes, Peter Becker Community and Dock Woods Community around 5:30 pm
Stay safe. Eat dinner. Relax with a smorgasbord of movies!
Show your support of the Mennonite Heritage Center during this pandemic.
Pick up your take-out chicken barbeque dinner in a drive-thru at the Mennonite Heritage Center, 565 Yoder Rd, Harleysville, 5-6 pm. Dinner delivery available at Souderton Mennonite Homes, Peter Becker Community and Dock Woods Community around 5:30. We will observe safe food handling guidelines with the drive-thru and deliveries.
Dinner includes: Barbecue chicken (1/2 half of a chicken), potato salad, coleslaw, fresh fruit salad, cookies
Links to the films will be sent to you via email. The films listed below can be viewed via internet in your home at your convenience Friday 5/29 through Sunday 6/7, with the exception of Say Amen, Somebody, which is available only 5/29 through 5/31.
$100 per ticket. Please register by May 25, 9 am. Thank you for your support! (Registration is closed)
Films included in this event:
SAY AMEN SOMEBODY_Trailer 1 from Milestone Film & Video on Vimeo.
Say Amen, Somebody
A documentary about the men and women who pioneered African American gospel music, this film was widely praised upon its release in 1982; the late Roger Ebert called it “One of the most joyful movies I’ve ever seen.” But it hasn’t been seen in theaters in nearly 30 years. Now George T. Nierenberg’s film has been restored and re-released.
The Art of Gardening at Chanticleer Gardens with Joe Henderson
Indian Valley Public Library recorded program
Local history films by Branch Valley Productions (Jay and John Ruth)
–A North Penn Portrait (120 min)
–At Home in Lower Salford (60 min)
–Harvest: A Threshing Story (60 min)
–Found Faithful (Longacre family story) (63 min)
–Sallie’s Children, Sallie’s Songs (John & Sallie Landis family) (60 min)
–Remembering Annie Funk (and the Titanic) (36 min)
Redeem TV streaming service of Christian History Institute
The site features a wide array of programs from Vision Video’s large catalog of Christian-oriented and faith and family-friendly titles, including biblical and other faith-based dramas, documentaries including a large selection of Christian history titles, seasonal programs, children’s programs and bible-study programs. Additional content is being added to the site on a daily basis.