Traditional Oil Painting Workshop

Dot Bunn paintingExplore traditional oil painting techniques in a six session workshop on oil painting on Thursday evenings from 6 to 9 pm, February 25 through March 31, 2016. The workshop, led by accomplished Bucks County artist Dot Bunn, will emphasize building a good composition and the control of values and color.

Students will work on their own project using the structure of a traditional method of composing and developing their image and will explore traditional painting techniques. Some painting experience is helpful but beginners are welcome. Students will use traditional methods of transferring the image to canvas and then begin to work with a controlled pallet of oil colors. Step by step guidance will be available over the painting sessions.

Dot Bunn is a full time studio painter, teacher, and lecturer working in traditional methods of painting using 21st century tools. A life-long resident of Bucks County, her award winning work has been exhibited at juried shows throughout Pennsylvania, New Jersey and New York. She will provide individualized instruction as the workshop is limited to eight participants.

The total workshop fee for the six weeks is $240 ($215 members). Preregistration is required. A list of supplies needed for the class will be furnished upon registration.

To register, call 215-256-3020.
