Program: “From Caccamo, Sicily to Elizabeth St, NYC (and back): Glimpses of a Sicilian Family’s Immigration Story”

program, Mennonite Heritage Center, HarleysvilleThe Mennonite Heritage Center invites you to a “Finding Your Roots” program. Speaker Harry Anselmo will share some of the challenges he faced while researching his family tree. His quest began, as it often does, with family discussions and the stories he heard while growing up. Listening and writing notes to himself, he waited until his retirement from teaching to begin his search for his ancestry. First he followed the trail of paper records and photographs, left behind by his ancestors. Then microfilm and digitized records made available through, opened up new branches on his family tree. DNA analysis led to finding living relatives. And in June of 2017, a trip to his ancestral home “comune” of Caccamo, Sicily, culminated into walking in the steps where his family once lived.  Mr. Anselmo will illustrate his presentation with images from his trip and share stories of meeting up with distant relatives in Caccamo. The program is open to the public. Admission is by donation.